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Chad McDonald, O.D.

Photo of Dr. Chad McDonald


Have you ever met a native Mainer you didn’t like?

Dr. Chad McDonald’s enjoyment for the New England way of life comes from his roots in rural Jay, Maine. Now living in the Newburyport area, he enjoys the quaint atmosphere and variety of activities coastal New England has to offer.

A graduate of the University of New England in Biddeford, Maine, and the New England College of Optometry in Boston, Dr. McDonald distinguished himself for superior patient care, graduating with honors in primary care, contact lenses, pediatrics, and low-vision care. Dr. McDonald completed his residency training with the Boston Medical Center and the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary.

At the Lighthouse Center in New York City, he furthered his education in comprehensive care for the visually disabled. He is a Board Certified Diplomate in the American Board of Optometry. Dr. McDonald became a partner in the Watts Eye Associates practice in 1999.

Dr. McDonald is a member of the Massachusetts Society of Optometrists and the American Optometric Association, served as a Senior Examiner for the National Board of Examiners in Optometry, is a former Adjunct Clinical Faculty member of the New England College of Optometry in Boston, is a past board member and past president for the Newburyport Lions Club. Dr. McDonald served as chairman for the annual Yankee Homecoming Bed Race for 18 years.

Dr. McDonald’s wife is Dr. Rebecca Boyer, an OB/GYN physician at Anna Jaques Hospital. They have two sons, Owen and Emmet. Being outdoors skiing, mountain biking and golfing are passions along with rooting for all the local sports teams. Dr. McDonald is a huge fan of all classic rock music. KISS Destroyer is his favorite album with Boston’s debut album a close second. He knows all the Seinfeld episodes by heart and his two favorite authors to read are Richard Russo and Stephen King. His favorite dessert of all time is strawberry shortcake made with biscuits and vanilla ice cream.